Helmeted guineafowl Numida meleagris
Animals in our sanctuary
Frodo (Male)
Frodo and seven others were left as chicks on the streets in a box from a pet shop.
Gandalf (female)

Gandalf was found on the streets as a chick and brought to VOC Ostend. They then searched for a suitable place where it could sit with conspecifics, and found its final home with us.

Aragorn was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Gimli was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Legolas was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Legolas was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Pippin was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Bilbo was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Samwise was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Arwen was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Boromir was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Eowyn was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Gollum was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Smeagol was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Elrond was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Eomer was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Galadriel was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Faramir was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Sauron was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Gil-Galad was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.

Isildur was bred by a private individual to live with conspecifics in an Animal Park in Belgium. However, after cancellation the breeder was suddenly left with a large group of young Helmeted guineafowls. Interested parties wanted to take over the birds only for slaughter! As a result, the owner contacted De Zonnegloed.
Where does he feel most at home?
The helmeted guineafowl likes warm, reasonable dry and open plains with some trees and shrubs.
What's his favourite food?
They are omnivores. They will search their food by digging in the ground with their strong claws. They like seeds, fruit, snails, spiders, and worms, but also frogs, lizards, small snails and small mammals.
Fun fact
They are ground birds, which doesn’t mean that they cannot fly. In general, helmeted guineafowl prefer to walk and can travel 10 kilometres/day.
Adopt this Helmeted guineafowl