Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus
Animals in our sanctuary
Tio (Male)
Tio was held together with another rooster and one hen at a residential care centre. As is characteristic of these little animals, he liked to be heard early in the morning. When complaints came from the campsite next to the centre they decided to find another home for the animals.
Maria (female)
Maria was held together with two cockerels at a residential care centre. Because the cockerels liked to be heard early in the morning, more and more complaints came from the campsite next to the centre. The manager therefore decided to find another home for the animals.
Where does it feel at home?
The domestic chicken is found all over the world.
What do they like to eat?
Chickens like to eat seeds, grains, berries, fruit and vegetables.
Fun fact:
The chicken is the most common bird species in the world.
Chickens tend to peck at red objects. Even though their own comb and wattles are red.
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