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Leo was bought by an older couple from a German trader. When the couple had to move to a nursing home, Leo was not allowed to come along and was brought into Stickting AAP. Together with another degoe he found a new home in De Zonnegloed.
Winston comes from a school for special education where he was kept together with another degu as a pet for the pupils. As the school didn't have enough space to place a bigger enclosure for the animals, the management decided to find another place for them.
Rosita was found by people and brought to a vet. The degu is not a native species; it was probably dumped and abandoned by its previous owner or it escaped.
Lise comes from a woman who kept several bird species and a degu. The animals were well cared for, but due to circumstances she had to part with them. Lise can now enjoy a new home in De Zonnegloed.
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