Brown capuchin Sapajus apella
Animals in our sanctuary
Siti (female)

Siti, Salvador and Sarah are monkeys for which a French animal park was looking for a good home. They were temporarily housed there from a bankrupt zoo in Germany.
Salvador (female)

Salvador, Site and Sarah are monkeys for which a French animal park was looking for a good home. They were temporarily housed there from a bankrupt zoo in Germany.
Lena (female)

Lena was held by a private individual in the Czech Republic and then sold in Spain where Lena was confiscated and transferred to the AAP foundation. Now she happily lives back together with her peers.
Petronila (female)

Petronila was found on a parking in Belgium. Tied to a lamppost, left behind by her previous owner, who had probably come to the conclusion that he could not give her the care she actually needed. Now she happily lives back together with her peers.
Téte (Male)

Teté is probably a wild monkey from Bolivia that was kept in a very small cage in Spain by a private person. Because the owner himself actually found that sad, he regularly took Teté “out for a walk” and on such an occasion Teté unfortunately bit a child. After this incident, the owner gave up Téte.
Where does he feel most at home?
The brown capuchin likes to live in the forests of South-America where there is almost no undergrowth.
What's his favourite food?
They love to eat fruits, leaves, insects, small mammals and birds.
Fun fact
These brown capuchins will use tools like stones or branches to crush open nuts or when digging for food. A nut will be put on a flat rock and the capuchin will hit the nut with a stone until it breaks.