Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus
Animals in our sanctuary
Bali (Male)

Bali werd door een particulier opgehaald uit een asiel om het vrouwtje, Tutti, gezelschap te houden. De particulier kon de valkparkieten uiteindelijk niet het beste bieden en zocht zelf naar een nieuwe plek voor de dieren. Nu genieten ze samen van een nieuw leven in De Zonnegloed
Radja (female)

Radja was found by people at work. His wings were badly cut preventing him from flying. Radja could be caught and was taken home by the people. After a while his new owners didn't feel good about keeping the bird locked up in a cage inside their home and they started to look for a different solution. Now Radja lives here together with the other cockatiels with access to a spacious indoor and outdoor cage.
Where does he feel most at home?
The cockatiel prefers to live in the drier areas of Australia.
What’s his favourite food?
They like to eat grasses, seeds, grains, flowers, nuts, berries, fruit and vegetables.
Fun fact
The crest reflects the emotional state of the cockatiel. The crest is dramatically vertical when the cockatiel is startled or excited, gently oblique in its neutral or relaxed state, and flattened close to the head when the animal is angry or defensive.
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